Inner Skills For Work And Life

Inner Skills for Work and Life

The greater part of our lives is spent at work – we don’t give that much time to any other area of life, even not to sleep.

We need to learn skills in order to do our work, whether it’s management, engineering, accounting or anything else, and there are many trainings for learning these skills.

There are many trainings, which teach these outer skills, to do with WHAT we do at work.

If we look deeply into our working lives, we find that there is another aspect in work and that is HOW we are inside while performing at work. Are we doing it totally or half-heartedly? Are we being creative or are we just doing it mechanically? Are we enjoying and loving the activity of work or are we focused on what we’re going to get from it?

The area of all these inner qualities is the area of Inner Skills.

We learn many skills about work to achieve results, yet most of us never learn inner skills about how to be at the work as an individual, how to enjoy every moment and activity.

This workshop is designed around Osho insights for a different, inner quality at work, no matter what you do. In the course we experience and learn some important Inner Skills for Work and Life – that it’s not about WHAT we do but about HOW we do it – and learning how to be total, creative, joyful, loving, relaxed, and therefore performing at our best.

“Anything can be creative – you bring that quality to the activity. The activity itself is neither creative nor uncreative. You can paint in an uncreative way. You can sing in an uncreative way. You can clean the floor in a creative way. You can cook in a creative way.”

The workshop provides processes to explore the mindset and conditioning we have around work, finding out how these conditionings affect our inner quality of working. And through experiential processes, we gain many insights to help change the quality of our working lives. And then naturally our results at work are also better.

Using Osho insights, Meditation techniques, and playful exercises to bring totality, creativity, awareness, and celebration to different dimensions of work – whether physical, mental or interactive – we learn to use the work as a tool to transform our whole lives.

Facilitator: Devendra Singh Dewal